‘Black Arsenal’ - The Club Culture

In celebration of Black History Month, Dr Clive Chijioke Nwoka visited School to speak about his book ‘Black Arsenal’. Even if you are not an Arsenal fan (Clive is a Liverpool fan!), the information shared is fascinating. 

Clive explained how Arsenal had not only celebrated a variety of cultures but embraced them. Players such as Paul Davis, David Rocastle and Michael Thomas were the catalyst for this, with the book also showing the occasion when Arsenal’s first team included nine black players. Clive highlighted how such history had led supporters of colour to have an affinity with the club. This not only fostered ease of conversation between people of diverse cultures, but a sense of togetherness and belonging.  

The book has such great photos and stories, many of which Clive shared with the audience. A wonderful way to spend a lunchtime, we hope to see Clive speak to OCs too. 


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