Classes of 1974 to 1979 Reunion

It was great to see the classes from 1974 to 1979 came together to celebrate their Forty-Five to Fifty Years on Reunion on Reunion on Saturday!  

The afternoon started in the School’s Mills Centre, formerly School House, with a tour of lower school and finished with a tour of Senior School and the Museum. There was lots of reconnecting and reminiscing throughout the evening as well as connecting with new OCs.

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In attendance was: John Baker (CH 1969), Nick Blackwood (SH 1975), Anthony Bleetman (QG 1974), Harry Boucher (FG 1973), Oliver Butt (WG 1973), Ian Cawood (QG 1971), Tiffany Cawood, Malcolm Cook (SH 1970), George Cunningham (SG 1969), Paul Davies (EG 1969), Andrew Downie (SG 1968), James Gillies (SG 1969), Ian Herriott (MG 1974), James Hudson (EG 1974), Tim Lawson (FG 1973), Peter Martin (QG 1974), Andrew Mellor (TL 1973), Jonathan Richards (MG 1973), Jo Richards, David Rigal (SG 1969), Michael Shuttleworth (QG 1970), Philip Swallow (HG 1970), Marc Thomas (SH 1970), David Tom (TL 1973), Graham Tom (SH 1971), Paul Tomkins (QG 1971), Peter Toogood (EG 1972), Douglas Wainwright (QG 1969), Denise Wynne, Mark Yexley (EG 1970), Gareth Zundel (MG 1971).


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