OCs Only 12 Months Late for Business Section Centenary Lunch!

On Friday 23rd February 30 OCs celebrated the Centenary of the Business Section at 21-23 Frith Street exactly 101 years after the first AGM of the Business Section (OCBS) was held at 23 Frith St Soho on 23rd February 1923. The theme of the occasion was to follow the lead from the founder of the Business Section, Ernest Godbold, to make eat, drink and make merry.

In 1923 OCs paid 5 shillings for supper and were asked to bring song books and in 2024 OCs paid £59 and song sheets were provided. The OCs attending ranged in age from Bob Trevor (SG 1948) and Sandy Saunders (MG 1947) past chairman of OCBS aged late 80s to OCs actively making their careers in their 30s.

In addition to Bob and Sandy other past chairmen attending were, Tony Friend (NG 1967), Richard Brewster (CH 1959) and John Brewster (CH 1965) representing David (CH 1930) their father plus Peter Boustred (WG 1964) representing Ken (WG 1969) and William Wass (WG 1982) representing Sam (FG 1954). Apologies for absence were received from Jeremy Randall (QG 1963) and Jon Polledri (SH 1987) who are both past chairmen but were both abroad.

The venue, Little Italy, has been owned by Jon Polledri’ s family since 1948 and provided excellent Italian hospitality and a large screen on which to show a silent movie of Highgate School 70 years ago. This black and white film probably made by the pupils of the photographic society shows pupils and masters, working, playing CCF training and even a pig farming!!

After a three course, lunch washed down with fruity Italian vino, Stuart Evans led the singing. The songs chosen were likely to have been popular in 1923. Starting with “When your smiling” the volume increased for “Daisy Bell” a bicycle made for two and was followed by 1565, Sir Roger Cholmeley O. Those OCs who were at the School in the 1950s and 60s took the lead and the others followed. It was just as well that our party was in a private room!!

OCs were invited to dress as guided in 1923 or better and OCs responded with a glittering array of both morning suits, glamorous waistcoats, and OC blazers plus one or two School caps. The highlight was Sandy Saunders dressed in a Bonnie Prince Charlie Jacket, waistcoat and his Montgomery Clan tartan trousers. 

Richard Brewster spoke with affection and admiration about the achievements of past chairmen and their committees but particularly mentioned Leslie Chamberlain’s (CH 1930) role in re-launching OCBS 50 years ago. Leslie’s son Ian OC was invited and sent his apologies. Richard concluded by confirming that the Business Section looked in good shape as it entered its second centenary with a new committee chaired by Dein Harry (SH 2010). The formalities ended with toasts to past chairmen, absent friends, the future of OCBS and the School.

The plea from OCs when leaving was “why can’t we have a centenary lunch every year?”!!!

RDB 25.2.24


Classical Pride 2024


OC Business Section 100th Anniversary