Tech Adoption for Small Businesses

Daniel Wolf (QG 2008) recently spoke on a panel for techUK to discuss the steps needed to be taken by small businesses to boost their digital adaptation across the UK. 

From his panel discussion, Daniel had three takeaways. First being that the risks associated with potentially choosing a costly investment in a product that is then not used by the business is one of the significant behavioural barriers to tech adoption. The second take away is that there is a need of Government and industry working together to ensure the benefits of tech adoption are communicated in simple terminology terms that are targeted towards the needs of small businesses. Daniel’s last takeaway is that tech adoption needs a long-term, national strategy to prioritize and drive it with a clear way to measure the strategy’s progress. 

TechUK also released a comprehensive report called ‘Small Enterprises, Big Impact’ at the same time as the panel discussion. To read the report, click HERE


A Week of Volunteering


September 7th 2024: OC’s 1st XI (h) vs Southgate Compton 1st XI