‘An Albanian in India’

During his time at School, Adam Yamey (HG 1965) began to be fascinated by Albania and the Albanians. Long after leaving the school, Adam published three books about the country and the Albanian diaspora. They were written some years after he had married a lady from India in 1993. Since then, they have been making regular trips to India, and Adam has become interested in the country’s fascinating culture(s) and history.  

Recently, he discovered that an Albanian left Europe in the 16th century, and settled in Gujarat (India), where he died in 1546. This man, Khwaja Safar, a merchant adventurer who was experienced in military matters, helped the Gujaratis and Turks. They were fighting the Portuguese, who were trying to monopolize trade of spices and other valuable wares between Asia and Europe. The Portuguese did this by seriously and violently disturbing the transportation of goods by ships of other nations across the Indian Ocean.  

Adam’s latest book, his fifth on an India-related subject, “An Albanian in India” describes Khwaja Safar’s adventurous life in Europe, Africa, and Asia. This illustrated volume combines two of Adam’s greatest interests: Albania and India. The book is available as a paperback and a Kindle eBook from Amazon HERE


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