Hong Kong Meet Up

The Hong Kong OC group caught up recently, for their inaugural meet up. A great time was had by all, with an OC group of various vintage reminiscing over school as well as simply socialising and getting to know each other. A great venue and food, organised superbly by OC Andrew Wong (QG 1988), made for a great evening and plans are already afoot to meet again soon. Head of OC Relations, Stuart Evans, was also on hand to speak to OCs – the evening coinciding with a visit to Hong Kong to visit family! 

OCs are reminded that regional and worldwide OC groups can be accessed via the OC (Stuart Evans) LinkedIn account (see below). We look forward to hearing about the next OC gatherings overseas, as well as connecting those OCs who might simply be visiting a place on business and might wish to catch up with a friendly and informed local! 

To connect on LinkedIn and join a regional or business group, click HERE 


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‘An Albanian in India’