Computing in 1982 - Now

Found in his archives of School material , Jack Kreindler (SG 1992) shared a photo of text from1982 used a class on computers and a story that goes with it.  

The text says in the photo says: 

Perhaps microcomputers are at the heart of a revolution in educations perhaps they are simply new-fangled and expensive toys. At the moment nobody knows where on the spectrum between these two extreme views the truth lies, but it is very likely that if a school posseses a microcomputer it will reap some educational benefits. In any case we would be very silly if we chose to be out of touch with any important developments that are likely to be made in the next few years.’ 


After meeting someone at a computer graphics awards ceremony called the Pixel Awards at the now defunct Imagina festival, Jack decided to do his A Level Art and Design Thesis on “The Art of Computer-Generated Imagery”.  Jack had met this man because he shook the guy’s hand after seeing their award-winning short animation and Jack told him, ‘his work would change animation and storytelling forever’. This man was John Latteter, the founder of Pixar Animation Studios. 

It is brilliant to see how computers have developed and changed over the years, not just for personal use but in the work of medicine and other industries to benefit humans. Jack is now a researcher who is researching the limits of human performance and healthy longevity. 


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