Service of Remembrance
In the coming days we will remember those who have lost their lives, including many OCs, in the line of duty.
A remembrance service for the whole school will take place on Monday 11th.The CCF Colour Guard will start proceedings, and after the two Heads of School read “In Flanders Field” and words from the Royal British Legion respectively, we will have the Last Post, Two Minutes Silence, and Reveille. The choir will then sing “Crossing the Bar” by Hubert Parry, and after the Act of Commitment, led by the Head, all members of the school community will sing “Abide with Me”. The Head will then lead a group of pupils and staff to the Chapel Quad, where they will plant wooden crosses in front of the War Memorial
We invite OCs to the following services, so that they may pay their respects to those who have died serving their country.
Remembrance Civic Ceremony, 10 November 2024
In conjunction with St Michael’s Church, Highgate, the School will host its annual Remembrance Sunday Civic Service, at 10.45am on Sunday 10 November, in which we will honour all those who have died in the service of their country in war.
There will be a short service at St Michael’s, beginning at 9.30am (to which everyone is welcome), followed by a procession to Highgate School’s Chapel Quad, where the Act of Remembrance will begin at 10.45 precisely. The service, of about half an hour in length, will contain the laying of wreaths on the school memorial, the Last Post, the two minutes silence and the Reveille. Seating will be available to those who require it, and refreshments will be served immediately afterwards.
Remembrance Evening Service, 10 November 2024
Our Remembrance observances will finish on November 10th in Chapel, starting at 6pm, in which the Head will read the Roll of Honour from World War One, and a pupil will play the Last Post and Reveille. Amongst other pieces, Chorale will sing ‘O for a Closer Walk with God’ by Charles Villiers Stanford and ‘Lacrimosa’ from Mozart’s Requiem. Refreshments will be served in Central Hall immediately afterwards..
If you would like to attend either service on Sunday 10 November, please RSVP to